Thursday, April 18, 2013

Real Pictures Make A Real Difference For Sellers

When selling an item one of the most important factors to getting noticed amid the mass of similar items is the picture.  When selling on eBay it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.  There are really only two ways to get your item to attract buyers, title and picture.  While the title of the item is important to getting found on eBay the picture is what is most likely to bring someone onto your page.

When selling an item, eBay graciously provides a stock photo for many items.  Don't use it.  Buyers like to see the actual item that they are buying from online auctions.  By using a stock photo you're putting doubt into the buyers mind.  Using multiple pictures (try to use at least 3) from different angles will provide your listing with a serious boost.  If the buyer knows exactly what they are getting they will feel more comfortable with making a purchase from you.

The quality of the pictures is also a very important.  They have to be clear, well lit and show as much as the item as possible. It's also a good idea to display any imperfections that your item has.  If you're selling a cell phone with scratches on the screen, show those in one of your pictures.  It will build trust between you and the buyers.  Honesty on eBay is crucial if you want to be able to maximize your earnings.

Spending a little more time on your product pictures will go a long way towards improving your bottom line.  Give it a try.